You’re A Guest – Act Like One

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When it comes to social media marketing, it’s important to remember that this is a new breed of marketing. There are plenty of thoughts and analogies about how to best describe this marketing relationship. Here’s how I think about my marketing strategy: I am a guest in my audience’s house. And I will act as such.

In case you think I’m crazy, let me better explain this relationship.

I was invited into their news feed. Whether I requested the invite or they invited me first, I am there because they invited me. As such, they are free to kick me out at any given time. I do not pay “rent” to stay in their news feeds. I am there because they continue to allow me to stay.

It is a privilege to be in their space. It is not a right.

As their guest, I am expected to complete certain “chores”. If I don’t do my chores and duties as expected, they are free to kick me out without notice.

As their guest, I am expected to be polite and respectful. If I offend them or their friends and family, I will be sent packing. I may beg for forgiveness and provide apologies for the world to see. But it is up to them to invite me back in.

I am a guest. That is all. I am not a marketer nor a business.

Ok, so let’s put this in practical application.

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