New to Trends?

If this is your first time to my site, please feel free to take a look around. My name is Jenn and the ideas and blogs posted here are my thoughts, interpretations, and opinions.

My Social Media mantra: There is NO opting out of Social Media.

If you are not talking about your business or brand, I can guarantee you that someone else is. It’s up to us to ensure that the message out there for other people to find is the message that we want them to find. Social Media is the BEST means to achieve this!

My goal is to provide you with tips and information to help you develop and manage your Social Media platforms. My blogs are all about Social Media and Business and ways in which different platforms and business applications can help you develop your business and marketing plans. Just remember that the key word here is SOCIAL. Social Media is NOT a platform for you to over promote your brand. It is to create a community and conversations with others similar to you or interested in your brand. The standard posting ratio should be 80/20 – 80% conversations, 20% business marketing & promotion.

Here are some key blog postings to help you better understand my blog and Social Media.

What Are You Doing Here?

Debunking 6 Excuses That Are Keeping Companies Off Social Media

5 Reasons Companies Need to Hire a Social Media Manager

Using Social Media in Times of Tragedy

Is Social Media Making Us Less Social?

If Each Social Media Platform Was a Martini

How To Get Blacklisted on Social Media

Why I Don’t Use Auto Responders

6 Reasons Interns Don’t Make Good Social Media Managers

Does Your Social Media Strategy Need Medical Attention? [Infographic]

Appreciating the Effects of Global Community

Social Media is Not B2B nor B2C, it’s B2P

One thought on “New to Trends?

  1. Jenn, great point about social media for business…you better get out there to craft the brand message before someone else does it for you. I never thought of it from that perspective, at least not for small businesses.

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