If Social Media Worries You…

This post has been moved to: http://jennstrends.com/if-social-media-worries-you/

If social media worries you… then I’m sorry to say you probably have bigger problems. Yes, you read that right.

If you’re worried that social media will air your business’ dirty laundry or that people will use it to speak negatively of your company or that you are leaving yourself overly exposed, it’s time to fix your bigger problems. If the first thing you think of when someone mentions using social media marketing is that your company will look bad, then chances are your company already looks bad.

So, my first advice is to take a good hard look at why you are scared of these things. Then you need to actually try to fix these things – for real.

Then, when you’re ready to get on social media, here’s why it can actually help you even more.

You can read the rest of this post at: http://jennstrends.com/if-social-media-worries-you/

4 thoughts on “If Social Media Worries You…

  1. Good points about fixing what is wrong BEFORE you put you and your company “out there”. It is always best to solve your problems first and then be able to put your best foot forward.

  2. Hi Jenn,

    When talking about this, I know a few business friends who are really obsessed with social media (plus afraid of them too). Well, I think it is because a simple mistake like a wrongly spelled tweet etc could caused lots of unwanted … spotlights 🙂

    if you are worried about social media, my advise is take a step back and relax. Consider it … a fun thing to do and hopefully, that will make them feel better.

    Just my 2 cents.


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