75 Twitter Rules for Businesses

This post has been moved to: http://jennstrends.com/75-twitter-rules-for-businesses/

Have you ever wondered if you’re using Twitter correctly? Or if you could be using it more effectively? As businesses, there are so many ways to take advantage of Twitter to grow your audience and generate revenue. So, here is a list of 75 ways to succeed on Twitter.

  1. Complete your bio with relevant information
  2. Keep your username as short as possible (you’re using up valuable characters)
  3. Use a photo or logo in your bio – don’t be an egg
  4. Upload a cover photo relevant to your business
  5. Use a real location in your bio
  6. Put your business website in your bio – it’s a hyperlink to drive traffic to your site
  7. Make your account PUBLIC – let people connect with you
  8. Learn the twitter lingo
  9. Don’t refer to yourself as a “guru”, “master”, “ninja”, “expert”, etc.
  10. If you do refer to yourself as an expert, public opinion better justify it

You can read the rest of this post at: http://jennstrends.com/75-twitter-rules-for-businesses/

11 thoughts on “75 Twitter Rules for Businesses

  1. Super list, Jenn! Even though it’s lengthy I think you’ve really managed to capture the essence of Twitter in a simple and easy-to-understand list. Will be sharing!

    • Thanks Brooke! Glad you like it. I tried to keep it shorter but I kept coming up with more things… 😉 But at least it’s a concise list. We all know brevity is not my strength.

  2. Great list Jenn! While I originally got on Twitter simply to post content to my online paper, I have found it much more interesting than that! While I already knew and/or followed some of your tips, there were others that I will definitely have to practice. Look for your article in my next paper for sure!

  3. Jenn: Extensive list of good things to remember for fellow tweeps. Btw: I am following you now! 😉 I have had problem with Twitter’s follow limit rule, and I haven’t been able to follow new tweeps for some time.

    A tip: visualize your tweets with services like RebelMouse and Paper.li.

  4. Pingback: 75 Twitter Rules for Businesses | Hip SEM

  5. Pingback: Twitter per le aziende: 75 consigli da seguire!

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