Use a Personal Touch to Grow Your Social Media Strategy

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In a world of online interactions and digital conversations, it’s easy to get lost behind a computer. And while this has become common place and many companies are satisfied to operate in this way, you can take your company to another level by incorporating a personal touch in your online strategy.

I saw a cartoon online recently that made me laugh, mostly because it was true. In the first frame, which was supposed to be in the past, the person is annoyed at all the “snail” mail they receive but are ecstatic about receiving an email notification. In the second frame, which is supposed to be the present, the person is annoyed at all the emails they receive but excited about the envelopes in their mail.

So, while I realize that email marketing is not dead, and I love the power of social media, it is true that many of us get desensitized and overwhelmed by all the information we find online. I think it’s safe to say that most of us barely read half the posts in our news feeds anymore. We scroll until we find something interesting. We delete half of our emails without even clicking on them to open them.

I am by no means saying that you shouldn’t continue to post on Facebook, Twitter, or all the other sites. I still believe that this is imperative to your social media strategy.

But I also believe that there are other ways for us to take our strategies even further to connect with our audience. And this is to get personal.

You can read the rest of this post at:

2 thoughts on “Use a Personal Touch to Grow Your Social Media Strategy

  1. You are so right about personalizing a message to your client, fan or newest prospect. Certainly we can’t write personalized notes to everyone, but including a few of these personal touches each week is critical to running a successful business.

    When I am working with my clients on gift-giving strategies and how to spend their marketing dollars wisely, we cover this topic. We need a multi-pronged approach to staying “top of mind” to those who matter most.

    Creating the ultimate customer experience is what creates raving fans! We are in a Relationship Economy where the “fan experience” counts more than ever before.

    Set a goal to write 3 notes a week and see how quickly this becomes a habit. In a year, you will have touched 36 people in a very meaningful, memorable way. Good luck with this! And just think… “business etiquette” wouldn’t be a dying art, if we all practice this. YEAH!

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