My Newest Obsession: Instagram

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OK, so I realize I’m probably behind the eight-ball on jumping on this bandwagon. But I’m here now and making up for lost time!

I recently started meddling around with Instagram, trying to find out what it was really all about. I knew that it was a photo sharing site and that people would use lists of hashtags in their photo descriptions. And if you’ve read my blog or followed me on social media, you know how much I dislike hashtags. Not to mention, photos aren’t the key way to help me grow my brand. So it wasn’t really all that high on my list of “tools”.

But, I’ve always had a photographer’s eye and I love taking photos so this seemed like a good platform to just play around with. So I started posting a couple photos here and there and just seeing what would happen. I used hashtags sparingly and used some of the filters provided by Instagram. It didn’t take long until I realized the sharing potential that this platform provides. Within minutes of posting photos, you can have dozens of likes and comments.

Like with all other platforms, it takes a little trial and error to find out what works for you. I found that when I post great scenic shots, I get lots of random likes from all sorts of people. While this does get me more exposure, is it really the right exposure? And when I post personal photos I get a lot more direct follower engagement. While this is great engagement with my fans, is it growing my fan base?

You can read the rest of this post at:

8 thoughts on “My Newest Obsession: Instagram

    • Thanks Michael! I hope you enjoy my future posts with tips and advice on how to use this platform successfully.
      Are you on Instagram? If so, follow me (jennherman31) and we can go on this journey together! I look forward to seeing you there 🙂

  1. Most likely instagram is not a fit with my business, but I wish it were! I also love taking pics and the potential there seems great. Glad to see you are having fun with it Jenn!

    • That’s understandable Kim. It would be a more difficult platform for you to utilize and you’re better off focusing your time and attention on the sites better suited to your audience. But if you enjoy photography or want to play around for fun, I still recommend it!

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